Sponsor Form

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Guest Information
Sponsor Information
Sponsorship Questions
Is this your first time sponsoring a guest for Great Banquet?
Have you explained Great Banquet to your guest including the requirement to be on-site the entire weekend?
Will you bring your guest to Send-off?
Will you attend and pray for your guest at Sponsor Hour?
Will you participate in the 24-hour prayer vigil?
Will you attend Candlelight?
Will you write an Agape letter and take responsibility for gathering Agape letters from family members and friends?
Will you support and pray for your guest’s family throughout the weekend as necessary?
Will you attend Closing and transport your guest back home?
Will you encourage your guest to attend the Fourth Day Meeting on Tuesday after the weekend and help him/her get connected into a reunion group or other small group?
Does your guest have any physical or emotional limitations that would affect his/her participation in the weekend?
There is no specific charge for the weekend, however, we do request a $20 registration fee from the guest or sponsor if either is able to pay it. Make checks payable to Zionsville Great Banquet and send or deliver to 4775 West 116th Street, Zionsville, Indiana 46077.
Submitting a guest reservation request form does not guarantee acceptance in the next weekend. Space is limited.